Day 1

Getting back in the horse show ring is both exciting and nerve-wracking after a period of time off. I had not shown my horse Elle in over a year, but today we were finally able to get back in the ring. While I was nervous about how it would go, I was also excited to start our journey to get back to where we were before we had time off. I also was feeling a bit embarrassed as I was showing at a low height, due to her rehabbing and me having so much time out of the ring, as I literally had never shown this low on her or even my other horse before. I had to remind myself that it is not about jump height but just about getting into the show ring on her and building ourselves back up to where we used to be.

Our warm-up went well, and I felt more confident to go into the ring. I kept telling myself that I have done this so many times before, the jumps are little, and that I can do this and so can she. When we first walked in the ring, I took a deep breathe and decided that I was going to just give it my best shot and let go of the anxiety I was feeling, and as soon as we jumped the first jump on course I knew I was okay and that we got this. She was amazing for me and helped my confidence a lot today. We ended up being reserve champion of the division, winning our first class back in the ring together as well as placing in the others! I was elated and remembered that I CAN do this, even after a year off.

Even though I was happy with how we placed, I was more happy with the fact that I was back showing my horse and loving it. I felt really proud of myself and my horse for the rounds we put in. I am looking forward to continuing to progress and get back to where we were. We are showing the rest of the weekend,

Categories: My Stories


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